Helping the Injured Afford Medication they Need
If you are interested in getting a fairer price for your prescription medication, click here:
If you have insurance but have high co-pays, you may be able to lower your co-pays with the tools found here:
To find generic forms of medication, click here;
Why are these resources necessary?
Medical care costs a tremendous amount of money. Medication can be exceedingly costly, especially since patients usually need to take that medicine repeatedly and each pill or prescription refill comes with a bill. Americans pay higher prices for pharmaceuticals than many other nations. Brand-name prescription medication prices have been shown to be “5-198 percent higher in the United States than in the other countries” even though drug companies most heavily promote drugs that are copies of existing drugs on the market. i.e. The company is trying to gain market share rather than innovate.
The high cost of medicine leads many Americans to simply do without the drugs they need. And the problem is not new. Over a decade ago, the New York Times covered the high cost of drug prices.
Depending on the State, between eight (8) and twenty (20) percent of Americans are uninsured. About 13% of Americans overall are uninsured. Just over 34% of employers with fewer than 50 employees offer health insurance to their workers so about 66% of employers of that size do not offer health insurance. Even people with coverage may not have complete coverage. For example, 7,725,340 medicare beneficiaries do not have credible coverage for medication.
When an insurance company is not on your side and bargaining for lower rates, you can receive huge bills for medication you need. Pharmaceutical companies will reduce their charges to U.S. Citizens who do not have prescription medication coverage and who meet the program guidelines.
In a personal injury lawsuit, an injured person is entitled to recover money damages to pay for medication they need. If you were hurt and need help, please contact a personal injury lawyer to discuss your legal options.